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Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast

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Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast

Program: Communities Saving Our Babies
Award Amount: $102,382
Funding Category:Healthy Children
Summary: Communities Saving Our Babies recruits members from targeted communities with the highest black infant mortality rates to attend a series of classes to improve birth and health outcomes. Class members may be a variety of ages, teens to seniors. Each group of 8-12 people attends 4 two-hour classes covering 5 major areas: prenatal care, safe sleep, breastfeeding, domestic violence, and the benefits of father/male involvement. Graduates agree to share the information in the community, as well as recurit new members to attend the class series. An end of the year event both re-engages participants and recognizes community contributions of the graduates.
Grant ContactInformation:
Shalonda Warren, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (561) 833-3113
Fax: (561) 444-0178
Crystal Thackoor, Executive Assistant to the CEO
Phone: (561) 833-3113 Ext. 102
Fax: (561) 444-0178
Program Contact Informatoin:
Phone: (561) 833-3113
Fax: (561) 444-0178